FitNShred Science based Diet parameters

Over the years I’m sure you have read or heard of the many diet fads and pitches, and how their diet regime is the best and most successful for you.

As a Doctor for twenty years i’ve seen first hand and clinically experienced a variety of Patients and their unique needs.

I’m here to tell you the only Diet that works is the one that specifically works for you!

Cookie cutter one size fits all diets can be effective for some but maybe not your cup of tea?

Only when you put the science and foundation of fundamental testing parameters and accountability, can you finally see the light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to your own specific health needs.

What are the Baseline parameters needed?

First, you have a very specific genetic and metabolic makeup. A keto friendly diet may work for you or if you need more healthy carbs a Paleo based diet may be the answer, or maybe a Hybrid combination of the two is your answer.

Genetic testing may aid in helping us with the foundational inherit needs.

Next step is Baseline Metabolic function and levels. This gets very complicating with sex, age, activity, lifestyle and environmental up bringing.

I feel it necessary to obtain science based testing to determine this.

Full panel blood work including a Thyroid and endocrine panel as well as Hormone panel.

I like the Dexa scan for complete body information including body fat, lean muscle mass, bone density segmental measurements and associated muscle and fat.

Depending on other health needs may require other testing.

Now you can start off with some knowledge and parameters and guidelines that will get you off to a Healthy effective start.

You also have more data to evaluate in your Transformation quest rather than just looking in the mirror or jumping on a scale.

In Lifestyle change programs did you know that the number one parameter that determines longevity is “Lean body mass?!”

You guessed it! Lean muscle and less fat.

Did you know that over 75% of the diseases today are due to obesity and increased fat mass? 70% of American adults are considered obese, as well as, over half of our children population.

How did we let ourselves get so Fat?! Well lets look back at our Standard American Diet facts.

For decades we’ve been told that Fat is detrimental to our health. Meanwhile, low-fat “Diet” products, often full of sugar have flooded our supermarket shelves.

This has most likely been a mistake that coincided with the start of the obesity Type II Diabetes epidemic.

In all reality it’s the bad Fats (polyunsaturated) that combined with carbs/sugar gum up causing the excess plaque and bodies inability to breakdown and utilize.